Get to know... the Account Manager!

Get to know... the Account Manager!

Posted on 12-10-2020 by Hendrik Jan Wiltjer

How well do you know your Account Manager? Why is he or she working at Traffic Company and what is their professional opinion about the current and future Affiliate Market? Let's find out by interviewing our very own Traffic Company veteran Hendrik Jan!

When did you start working for Traffic Company, and how did you get this job?

My job at Traffic Company started almost 5 years ago. Previously I was a Search Advertising Consultant at an online media agency. I was responsible for the Google Adwords campaigns of many companies. During my job interview at Traffic Company I wasn’t familiar with Affiliate Marketing at all, but Wouter persuaded me to join the team. He learned me everything about the market and I’m proud to be part of this amazing team.

Describe your daily work?

The most interesting part of this job is that there is no ‘typical’ day. Each day is different. Usually, my day starts at 9:00 AM and I make sure that the most urgent work gets done first. So I check my E-mail, Skype, and Telegram and review the statistics of my affiliates. It’s important that I know what my affiliates need so I can make sure they get maximum results out of their investment. Another daily activity is checking different social media platforms and online fora, to see if there are any new affiliates we can work with. Besides creating important and valuable content for our company, such as newsletters, I make sure our online dashboard is being kept up to date all the time.

What part do you love most of this job?

Each affiliate is different and this makes my work quite varied. Each affiliate needs something else. I regularly meet my affiliates at shows, events, or parties as well. I really like this part of the job and during the current Covid-19 situation I do miss this the most at the moment. I made a lot of business friends already because of my job at Traffic Company.

From your point of view, how is Traffic Company beating its competitors?

I think our biggest USP (Unique Selling Point) is having our own in-house built offers. There are no other companies in between, which means that we can offer our affiliates the best payouts possible. Also, we make sure to offer great service and direct support to our affiliates. I always try to respond as soon as possible, of course also after office hours. Each affiliate - big or small, beginner, or expert - deserves our best service and support. I think this part is really important so we can help our affiliates get the highest result with the most profit as possible.

What was the biggest change in the affiliate marketing market since you started working for Traffic Company?

Mobile adult content was our core business for many years. However, the mobile content market has become more strict in the last couple of years and many affiliates stopped working in this vertical. We made sure to switch our core business to more mainstream verticals right on time and we made it work! A great example is our Click to Call offers, which we launched earlier this year.

What will the future bring for affiliate marketing in the next years?

The landscape of affiliate marketing is quite big, so I narrow this down more specifically to our playing field. Many CPA networks stopped or merged last year, which isn't a big surprise since this a natural business trend. After years of growth, the market ends up in a more mature phase where companies quit because the competition is too big. Some companies merge to join their forces against the competition around them. I expect this trend will continue for a while.

As traffic goes to the best offer with the highest eCPM, whatever the vertical is, we need to be creative and innovative. We are using an algorithm that makes sure the best combination of traffic sources, prelanders, and offers is made. I think it’s important to offer this kind of service as a CPA Network to your clients, to make sure you can help them get the highest possible results in the market.

At the moment new traffic sources like push are used, with new verticals such as our Click to Call offers. This clearly shows we have to reinvent ourselves. I think we all need to optimize our existing products and keep looking for new products all the time.

Do you have some interesting advice for Traffic Company’s clients?

Our Click to Call and Click to SMS offers are showing great results and I think each affiliate should at least investigate and test these great new products. It’s available for both carrier- and WiFi traffic, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly so we can help you set up your campaigns.

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